IOD Iron Orchid Designs' versatile moulds can be used to transform furniture, home decor, baked goods, soaps, jewelry, and anything else your creative mind can conceive. The IOD Décor Moulds are crafted from materials that are safe for food use (avoid using the same set for both food and crafts).
Try with our Clear Glacier Resin!
Full Collection of IOD Iron Orchid Designs products are available at Grisaille Cottage Online or in our Decor Boutique in Tulsa OK
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The IOD Iron Orchid Designs sisters, Josie & Sally, draw inspiration from historic architecture and design then let the influence of modern use render pieces that will be a go-to for creatives in many forms. From furniture designers, to home decor, to sugar arts - there's a reason why IOD Décor Moulds are a favorite Now even larger, and made from high quality, food grade silicone safe to 425° Fahrenheit (°F)/218° Celsius (°C), your moulds will bring you joy in your creations for years to come.
IOD Décor Molds can be created with different mediums, the two most common options being air dry clay and casting resins. Each medium possesses its own unique characteristics, challenges, and advantages.
Outer Mould Appx. 6" x 10". appx.

Full IOD Iron Orchid Design line of products are Available at
Grisaille Cottage
5217 S Sheridan Road, Tulsa Oklahoma 74145
Shop in store & online